People are traveling and flying more and more everyday. It is important to keep your health first when traveling and sometimes that is easy to forget. There will be plenty of time to sit while you are on the plane, so use your waiting time to walk around and get your blood flowing and your muscles limber. Even if you have extra luggage you can carry it around and add the extra weight which will make your muscles work even harder, therefore burning more calories and boosting the metabolism. Avoid the people movers as you get closer to your gate. Use your time wisely and walk the distance. Your body will see an increase blood flow and will bring on big time benefits once on the plane.One of the major reasons for jet lag is dehydration. The cabin inside the plane is like a huge dehumidifier. It can rapidly get rid of your body’s fluids without you even realizing it. The key is to stay hydrated which means continuously drinking water. Not only will this hydrate your body, it will force you to get up to go to the bathroom which will encourage proper blood flow. This will keep your muscles from cramping, especially on long flights. While you’re waiting in line for the bathroom, do some added stretches to enhance the blood flow even more. They dry air on the plan can also irritate your eyes. Taking a supplement such as fish oil or flax see had can help in this problem. This helps to lubricate the eyes from the inside out. Try not to rub your eyes while aboard the plane. This causes the vessels in your eyes to constrict. Don’t use artificial tears either as they do the same thing. Check with your local chiropractor in Schaumburg for more healthy traveling tips.