19 Reasons to Start a Real Estate Investing Syndication Business Now

Before I started my multi-million dollar, real estate investing syndication business a half decade ago, I was part of corporate America. In fact, I was the number #2 sales person for Research in Motion. I developed and oversaw strategic alliances with some of the top consulting firms in the world including Accenture, Booz Allen Hamilton, Deloitte Consulting and EDS.

Now, I am very grateful to RIM for giving me the amazing opportunity to work under two of the world’s most prominent self-made technology billionaire CEOs. However, I grew tired of wearing the “suit.” I didn’t want to continue spending 60 to 80 hours a week working. I wanted the ability to start a business that would meet the following 19 criteria.

19 Reasons to Start a Real Estate Investing Syndication Business Now

1. Spend just a few hours a day or week at work. With just 10 hours of effort into his first deal, my client, Robert Beagle closed his first real estate syndication deal and made over $61,000 in profits as a syndicator!

2. Be your own boss. This means you’re working to make yourself rich – not someone else.

3. Wake up when you want to. Remember, you are your own boss. No one can tell you (except maybe your spouse) that you can’t sleep until noon.

4. Not have to travel every week. I’ve transacted more than $14 million dollars in deals across 5 markets in North America without any airport hassles.

5. The ability to run almost everything from a laptop and phone. Within 5 weeks, my client Michelle Agar syndicated her first group of 5 investment properties in Edmonton, Alberta, earning her $269,000 in profits!

6. Earn an exponential income. When you syndicate your investing business, you generate a GREATER FREQUENCY of profit. Why? Because, syndicating your real estate investing business will enable you to systematize your business so deal making becomes a recurring cycle. This means you will have a repeatable business model that grows geometrically.

7. Dress how you want. Since real estate investing syndication allows you to work from your home office, you can work in your pajamas if you wanted to!

8. Live a virtually tax-deductible life. Having a real estate investment business will give you the greatest personal, business and real estate tax advantages.

9. Do what you want, whenever you want. Again, you are the boss!

10. Never be held down to a time schedule. You can work as hard as you want for as long or as little as you want.

11. No need to write up an extensive business plan. Thanks to real estate investing syndication, Tom Cooke and Claudette Diaz now have $330,000 in private money at their disposal. They generated $19,026 in profits from the first deal they completed within their first 27 days of becoming syndicators. They have built a buyer’s list of over 500 investors, and set up a syndication business in another city they’ve never visited before!

12. Have an abundance of customers wherever your business goes. For example, if you joined my real estate investing syndication network, you’d connect with a pre-existing network of more investors in 7 countries on 5 continents who want to help investors like you joint venture on investing deals on an ongoing basis.

13. Your business won’t be tied to economic cycles. Many real estate investors are now saying that the real estate investing market is dead. Why? Because they can’t find deals. They aren’t attracting buyers. They can’t get their hands on enough available cash to fund deals. Banks are not loaning money to them. However, if you change your business model to one of real estate syndication, then you’ll get direct access to all the cash you’ll need. You’ll attract buyers and close more deals – no matter the economy.

14. Produce MORE WEALTH in a short period of time. Remember, my business syndicated over 3 million dollars in profits in just 93 days.

15. Get personally involved with little risk. When you syndicate your business, you become a major player in the market without risking any of your own capital. You, as the real estate syndicator, put the deal together and receive a significant share of the profits (between 20% and 50%) without having to invest your own money. This allows you to concentrate on multiple deals at one time.

16. Get started without any previous industry experience. My client portfolio includes teenage college students, a retired track & field coach, accountants, medical doctors, attorneys, a professional opera singer, sales executives, marketing executives, engineers and regular hard-working moms and dads who came aboard with full-time jobs. Do you think they had previous experience syndicating real estate? No.

17. There is NO office politics. You don’t have to worry about anyone else, but you!

18. Have more family time. When you syndicate your business, you get more done in less time. And, you generate profits faster. This means you have more time and freedom to spend with your family, doing the things you absolutely love to do.

19. Ultimately, build a business that is focused on helping people while you rapidly build a 6-, 7- and 8-figure investment empire. We’ve proven that it can happen.

So, don’t you think that it’s time to start a real estate investing syndication business, and make money quickly during this “Perfect Real Estate Storm” of opportunity?

5 Steps to Successful Real Estate Marketing

There are essentially 5 steps to being successful in real estate marketing. Before we go into the 5 steps of real estate marketing, I want to encourage you to become a student of marketing. The moment that you are able to find your own deals – on demand – the more money you will make! It’s a direct correlation.When I started out in real estate, I didn’t understand how to “really” market for deals. I was depending upon real estate agents, local real estate investing groups, etc. I did a lot of deals, but I realized I wasn’t making the kind of money I knew I could in estate.
Follow these five steps to successful real estate marketing and you’ll be on your way to filling your own funnel full of five-figure deals.

Define Your Target Market:

You must be focused; If you run in too many directions, focusing on too many real estate markets, you’ll always be skipping around, never getting ahead. You need to learn overcome objections; you need to know how to handle the different situations that arise. Once you master one market, then you can duplicate your system across market after market. For instance, you may choose to start working with foreclosures or out of state owners. Once you get the real estate marketing system in place for one, add the other. Then, you can simply duplicate it over and over again!
The single most important thing to remember is that you MUST target motivated sellers… PERIOD.

Execute your plan:

It has been said that successful real estate investors have three things: specialized knowledge, ability to take action, and consistency. It’s not enough to have the knowledge. You have to act on that knowledge.

Let’s say your real estate marketing strategy involves bandit signs. You need to have a system for distributing signs on a consistent basis, a consistent method for filtering leads, and a bullet-proof follow up system. If you’re going to execute a direct mail campaign, make sure you have a system for sending out the whole series. For instance, our foreclosure direct mail system consists of 6 sequential postcards. It doesn’t do you any good to come off the starting block at 100mph if you don’t have the ability to sustain that pace or the have tools to fulfill the plan. If you only have the resources to send the first postcard, don’t bother wasting your money. Find another real estate marketing strategy.

Pre-screen your leads:

Scribbling notes on the back of an envelope while you’re driving is not a system! We actually send our leads to a separate voicemail line or a call center depending on the marketing campaign. Our students and staff have been trained to do this because it takes emotion out of the system. If I’m having a bad day or sitting in traffic, I can’t focus on that call from the motivated seller, so all of the calls are fed through the system. We request that the seller leave certain information on the line or with the operator. We then take that information and do our basic due diligence before we even have our first conversation with the seller to find out if, in fact, he/she is a motivated seller.

Make your offer:

By following a specific real estate marketing system, you’ll be prepared to make an initial offer during the first phone call. By asking the right questions and having a pre-screening sheet in front of you, you’ll quickly learn if they are a motivated seller or simply just wasting time! If your real estate marketing system has this component in place, you’ll know what the property is worth, have a ballpark idea of what the repair costs are, and will know if the seller is motivated. Consequently, you will know at what price you should make your first offer.

Contract/Exit Strategy:

Once the seller has accepted our verbal offer, or is close thereto, it’s time to put the purchase offer in writing. We include 3 contingencies – or escape clauses – into the contract.

– Inspection

– In the event of buyer’s default, the deposit is the sole remedy

– Subject to property appraisal

Based on this due diligence, we are then able to decide which exit strategy is most appropriate. All of this follows a basic flow chart process. There’s no thinking! It’s like when you call in for technical support on your computer. They ask you a question, and based on your answer… they go to the next step. This is how you want to run the marketing division of your real estate business.Keep in mind that your real estate marketing efforts should be in concert with the types of deals you’re looking to do. For instance, if you want to flip properties, your marketing system might target motivated sellers facing foreclosure. On another note, if you’re looking to build a rental portfolio, then you might consider building a real estate marketing plan to target landlords filing evictions.